Hydrogen Storage Offerings

Metal hydride storage
Metal hydride storage

Metal Hydride Storage

Pressurised storage
Pressurised storage

Pressurized Storage

30L to 80,000L

0.5L/min to 200L/min

Stainless Steel

< 3MPa

above 90% of its initial volume after 3000 cycle

by temperature adjustment

by temperature adjustment using hot and cold water


Release Time

Tank Material

Storage Pressure


Charge / Discharge

Pressure and Flow Control

starting 6L

quick release


upto 300 bar

using pressure regulator and rotameter

Type 1 - Steel Cylinders
Type 3 - Carbon Composite Cylinder
Type 4 - Full Composite Cylinder


Release Time

Tank Material

Storage Pressure

Pressure and Flow Control


Hydrogen Storage: Safeguarding your Energy Reserves

Futuristic image of thousands of hydrogen storage cylinders in a warehouse
Futuristic image of thousands of hydrogen storage cylinders in a warehouse

Get ready to dive into reliable and efficient hydrogen storage with us. Our hydrogen storage solutions are like trusty vaults for your green energy dreams – they keep your hydrogen safe, secure, and ready for action. 

Based on the use case there are two most popular storage options:

High Pressure, Compact Design:

Pressurized storage relies on storing hydrogen gas at high pressures within robust tanks. These tanks are designed to withstand the high pressures required, allowing for compact storage solutions suitable for various applications.
Fast Refueling Time:

Due to the high-pressure storage, refueling from pressurized storage systems tends to be relatively quick. This makes pressurized storage ideal for applications requiring rapid refueling, such as fuel cell vehicles and backup power systems.

Chemical Bonding for Storage:

Metal hydride storage relies on the absorption of hydrogen into a solid material, typically a metal alloy. Hydrogen molecules bond with the metal lattice structure, forming metal hydrides, which can store hydrogen safely and effectively.

Safe and Stable

Metal hydride storage offers stable and safe hydrogen storage without the need for high pressures. The hydrogen is chemically bound to the metal hydride, allowing for storage at low to moderate pressures and eliminating the risks associated with high-pressure storage.



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Image featuring an RFQ (Request for Quote) form for hydrogenergy
Image featuring an RFQ (Request for Quote) form for hydrogenergy